There are numerous “tricks of the trade” that come with working as a vendor partner. Maintaining a good partnership boils down to the communication and trust that should exist between the client and the vendor. Effective communication is critical for any vendor relationship, but given the importance of pharmaceutical CRM software in day to day operations, the bar needs to be set very high. At Synergistix, we understand how important it is to have a strong partnership built on trust and performance. It should be no question or surprise that life science companies choose us repeatedly for our strong problem-solving approach and the emphasis we put on building long-term customer relationships. When choosing a CRM vendor, considering the relationship with the vendor is key.
What Is A CRM Vendor?
A CRM vendor offers customer relationship management services so that both past and potential customer interactions are made accessible. It is one of the several unique approaches that allows companies to analyze and manage interactions with potential, current and past customers. Specifically, in the life sciences realm, functionality of the CRM will allow for easy to use robust reporting capabilities and scalability throughout time. CRM companies should be promoting the personalized experience that all users within the organization will gain.

Vendor Relationship Management
Vendor relationship management does take skill but should not be overly time consuming. If an issue arises with the CRM technologies, the vendor should communicate deliberately with their client regarding that issue and appraise them of follow up actions taken to solve it. It should not be left to the client to find the issue and inquire with the vendor what occurred. This hands-on approach taken by the vendor will result in a more trusting relationship with clients. In order to avoid business disruptions Synergistix proactively monitors system activity believing the best resolution of an issue is to prevent problems in the first place.
Synergistix Expectations for Clients
Because it is crucial to understand the issues as they are occurring or as close to the occurrence as possible, the number one thing Synergistix strives for is open communication from clients to facilitate proactive management and timely solutions. Once an issue is reported to us, we triage appropriately and diagnose quickly to ensure that a remediation plan will be put in place utilizing appropriate corrective measures. These lines of communication between the client and the Synergistix team will ultimately help forge a productive working relationship.

Building a Partnership
Open communication goes hand in hand with building a strong vendor partnership. A vendor in a partnership with a client needs to go above and beyond simply delivering services and sending a bill. Instead, it is critical to be mutually invested and have full understanding of the business that they are serving, as well as what is important to one another. All businesses have distinct needs, operate how they see fit and face unique challenges. A CRM vendor needs to understand the potential challenges that their partner could face and work with that client to address them efficiently. Businesses are not static, they are always evolving, adding new products and services. A Life Sciences CRM partner will need to evolve with the business that they are servicing.
Contact Synergistix
Vendor client relationships are critically important, especially in the life sciences realm, where CRM systems are crucial for the productivity of a business. Synergistix has offered top of the line CRM solutions and have been building strong client relationships since 1997. Driving commercial success in the life sciences industry is at the forefront of operations and success. Between our collaborative approach, technical excellence and industry-leading innovation/security, it should come as no surprise why people rank us ahead when doing an industry CRM vendor comparison. Contact us today for further information on how we can benefit you.